There may be several reasons why you have not received your order:
Delayed delivery: It is possible that the delivery of your order may be delayed due to various factors, such as transport delays, logistical problems, or public holidays. Please note that orders placed after 5:00 pm (working days) will be delivered on the next working day. If, for example, you place your order on Friday at 6.00 pm, your order will be prepared on the following Monday for delivery on Tuesday.
Problems with the delivery address: Please make sure that the address you provide when ordering is correct and that your name appears on your letterbox. Incorrect or incomplete addresses may result in delayed or non-delivery.
Tracking problems: The tracking system may have difficulty updating, which could give the impression that your parcel has not been dispatched when in fact it has. Please wait until 20:00 before clicking on the tracking number link for your order.
If you haven't received your order, here's what you can do:
Check the status of your order: Log in to your account and check the status of your order. If the status indicates that it has been shipped, check the tracking number to see where your package is.
Contact customer service: If you can't find any information about your order, or if you don't understand the status of your order, contact customer service. We will be able to provide you with detailed information on the status of your order.
Please be patient: If the estimated delivery time has not yet elapsed, your order may simply be overdue. Please wait a few more days to see if your order arrives.
Don't forget that customer service is there to help you solve any problems you may encounter with your order.