If you're experiencing problems with premature ejaculation, there are several products and methods that can help delay ejaculation. It's important to consult a healthcare professional to discuss the best options for your particular situation. Here are some products commonly used to treat premature ejaculation:
Desensitizing creams and sprays: These products contain local anesthetics that temporarily numb the glans, reducing sensation. They should be applied a few minutes before intercourse and can be wiped off before intercourse to avoid desensitizing the partner.
Thick condoms: Some condoms are specially designed to reduce sensation, which can help delay ejaculation.
Kegel exercises: These exercises, which strengthen the pelvic muscles, can help some men control their ejaculation.
Stop-start" or "squeeze" techniques: These are behavioral methods that can help delay ejaculation. They require practice and patience, but can be effective for some men.
Sex toys: Some toys can help desensitize or train stamina.
Sexual counseling or therapy: Talking with a counselor or therapist who specializes in sexual issues can be beneficial. They can offer techniques, strategies and approaches to addressing and managing premature ejaculation.
It's essential to remember that premature ejaculation is a common problem, and there's no reason to feel shame or embarrassment. It's crucial to discuss your concerns openly with a healthcare professional or therapist to find the best solution for you.