Why doesn't my Joujou.ch coupon code work?
When you have trouble using a promo code, there may be several reasons why it's not working. Here are some of the most common causes:
Expiration date: Most promo codes have an expiration date. Make sure your code hasn't expired.
Specific conditions: Some promo codes may have specific conditions of use, such as a minimum purchase amount or be valid only for certain product categories.
One-time use: Some codes are intended for one-time use only. If you have already used the code on a previous order, it may no longer be valid for you.
Combination of promotions: The site may not allow the combination of several promotions or discounts on a single order.
Typing error: Make sure you have entered the promo code correctly, without typos or unnecessary spaces.
Customer account restrictions: In some cases, promotional offers may be reserved for specific new or existing customers.
If, after checking these elements, your promo code still does not work, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team for assistance. Our team will be happy to assist you and resolve any issues related to your promo code.