Forwarding your parcel: what you need to know
We know how important it is for you to receive your orders as quickly as possible. However, sometimes the unexpected happens, and you may not be able to receive your parcel on the first delivery attempt. No need to panic! We're here to help.
Is it possible to have a second shipment?
Yes, absolutely! If you missed your first delivery, we can reship your order.
Why is there a charge for a second shipment?
Although we generously offer free shipping for your orders, there are additional costs involved in reshipping a returned package. These costs are linked to the fees charged for the return of the parcel not received, as well as for the new shipment.
In order to maintain the free nature of initial shipments and to continue to offer you the best possible service, a contribution to the costs of CHF 18.00 is requested for the reshipment of your parcel.
What to do now?
If you wish to have your parcel reshipped, please contact our customer service department. We are here to assist you and ensure that you receive your order in the best possible condition.
We thank you for your understanding and remain at your disposal for any further information.